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Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Free Download Game Demon War Expansi

|Mp3 Download Suka Sukaku|


Din’s Curse is a single player and co-op multiplayer action RPG with 141 class combinations, infinite number of dynamically generated towns, real consequences, and a dynamic, evolving world.
Din, champion of the gods, has cursed you into a second life of service because you selfishly squandered your first one while causing misfortune to those around you. To redeem yourself, you must impress Din by building a reputation for helping others. Travel the spacious western plains of Aleria and save desperate towns from the brink of annihilation. Until you’re redeemed, you’re doomed to wander the earth alone for all eternity.
In Din’s Curse, you will explore an extensive underground, slaying dangerous monsters, solving dynamic quests, dodging deadly traps, and in your spare time, plundering loot. Quell uprisings, flush out traitors, kill assassins, cure plagues, purge curses, end wars, and complete other dangerous quests or the danger WILL escalate. Not all is as it seems though, traitors will gladly stab you in the back, renegades can revolt against the town, spies can set up ambushes, and items might even curse or possess your friends.
Choose one of 141 class combinations and journey to an infinite number of dynamically generated towns with vastly different problems. Every game is a surprise! Your actions have real consequences in this dynamic, evolving world. Your choices actually matter!

    Uniquely created worlds for every game, with different monsters, items, quests, and even  

    townspeople, give the player a new experience every time
    Explore a dynamic, evolving, living world
    Many hybrid classes to experience – 6 full classes, 18 specialties, 141 total combinations
    Your choices truly impact the game
    Surprising, emergent gameplay
    Co-op multiplayer to adventure with friends

Download Game Dins Curse v1.024-TE + Demon War Expansion 

Sumber : Sofilmendo

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