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Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Bile Tract Tumors

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In addition to gallstones, cancer is the most common cause of blockage of the bile duct. Benign tumors in the bile ducts can also cause blockages.

Most cancers originate from the head of the pancreas, which is bypassed by the bile duct. Even more rarely, cancer of the bile duct comes from his own, namely:
- At a meeting between the bile duct and pancreatic duct,
- In the gallbladder,
- In the liver.

Even more rarely, bile duct is blocked by a cancer that originates in other parts of the body (metastatic cancer), or depressed by the lymph nodes are affected by lymphoma.

Symptoms of bile duct obstruction are:
- Jaundice (jaundice)
- Discomfort in the abdomen
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Itching.

Usually without a fever and chills. These symptoms will worsen gradually.

A diagnosis of cancer as the cause of the blockage, is established based on the results of ultrasound examination, CT scan or direct cholangiography. To confirm the diagnosis, can do a biopsy (taking a sample of tissue for examination under a microscope).

Treatment depends on the cause and circumstances.

Surgery is a direct way to:
- Determine the type of tumor
- Ascertain whether the tumor can be removed
- Ensure that the bile can still flow around the blockage.
Most cancers can not be removed entirely and do not respond well to radiation therapy (radiation).

Chemotherapy may relieve symptoms. Some patients with bile duct obstruction due to cancer, pain, itching and form pus due to bacterial infection. If surgery is not done, can cut the hose is inserted through the endoscope for bile and pus can flow around the cancer. This procedure not only reduces the bile or pus, but also helps relieve pain and itching.

10 Characteristics of a Qualified Girls

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 This is the characteristic feature of Women Girls or women who qualified this girl wants to look fit for chant, maybe the following can be considered .... Check it out!

1. Gently

Take a look at the way girl talking to her friends. Is he always like tone loud, screaming, or even polite and always gentle in a word? These characteristics that reflect the way in which the girl will talk to you and your family later.

2. saving

Which guy wants a girl materialistic? Later if you are married to the girl, she will spend money on clothes shopping unnecessary. Take a look at the way he spends his money now. Does he include people who are frugal, or stingy?

3. attention

"How she could remember the anniversary of my parents?" You said. That is a good sign. She really be concerned about little things like that. In fact, you were not married. After you come home from work, food is also available. When you're sick, she cooked porridge for you. Little things like that that will help and strengthen your relationship. Are not Men also liked to be given more attention than the girl?

4. patient

You're late for a date with the girl but the girl was not angry at all when you came and she had to wait 25 minutes starvation. Why wait that good traits? Just think if you're in a situation smelled anything negative; patience it will help the atmosphere it does not get worse. Just imagine you're dating a girl who can not wait. Gradually he was angry because you are not on time, do a little mistake. Dating should be fun even worse experience.

5. simple

Notice if the girl you love too much in front of his friends. Does she like to show off a new bag which he had just bought that day too? People love to show off and not simply imply that the girl was not confident; no shortage of what he had and wanted to cover it by exhibiting something more than he. These properties are not good for the guy.

6. Keep beauty

It does not mean it should look pretty girl, but maintain the beauty of it also means that girl knows how to keep and care for herself. If you're going out with her, consider the "make-up" that she's wearing. Is it too much to attract the attention of other people around you? Is she wearing a mini skirt is too much? Keep the beauty that means keeping up appearances sufficiently and appropriately at the right time and place.

7. Mature and wise

Handsome guy with a girl likes a wise and mature. At the time of trouble, boy will need help from a girl who mature and wise in making decisions.

8. religious

Religion is one of a handle on life for us humans. Obedient to the faith also shows that the girl would be obedient to you. Not that you can arbitrarily against her and told the girl to obey whatever you want, but devout show that the girl also had a good life principle and which he elaborated.

9. motherhood

Girls that like to play with small children, could hold the baby, waiting for them to sleep, and so on. Here the signs of the girl you can imagine when they become your wife. She would be a good mother in the household.

10. Stoic suffering and willing to work hard

This is one of the characteristics of the girl who is rather hard to find. Why? Girls are familiar with the tradition in which the guy who was looking for money. In tough times, Girls usually not accustomed to working hard for the family. If you've found a girl who suffered tough and willing to work hard, respect her.

9 panggilan 911 paling konyol

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 1. Wanita yang menghubungi 911 untuk meminta seorang polisi berkencan
     Setelah salah seorang tetangganya melaporkan keluhan kegaduhan di rumah Lorna Dudash (seorang wanita di aloha, Oregon), utusan polisi datang ke rumah tersebut untuk memperingatkan lorna tentang kegaduhan yang di keluhkan tetangganya. Salah satu dari polisi tersebut membuat lorna terpesona setelah mereka pergi, lorna menghubungi 9-1-1, dan ia meminta kepada operator untuk mengirim kembali utusan polisi yang datang ke rumahnya tadi (hanya untuk bertemu dengan salah seorang polisi yang membuatnya terpseona tadi )

   Setelah utusan polisi tersebut datang, dan, memastikan bahwa tidak ada hal yang benar-benar darurat, lorna ditahan karena menyalahgunakan panggilan 911 dan harus membayar denda beberapa ribuan dolar serta masa tahanan satu tahun di penjara.

2. Wanita yang menghubungi 911 karena terkunci di mobilnya sendiri
    Wanita tersebut parkir di salah satu toko Walgreen di daerah Kissimmee, ketika ia hendak keluar dari dalam mobil, ia panik karena pintu mobil tidak mau terbuka. “ aku terkunci di dalam. Dan starter nya tidak mau hidup” kata wanita tersebut. “listrik nya tidak berfungsi, ac nya juga tidak mau hidup, dan disini sangat panas. sekarang aku terkunci di sini” ujarnya pada operator 911. Operator kemudian mengusulkan menarik kunci tersebut secara manual. Wanita tersebut mencobanya dan berhasil.

3. Seorang pria kesepian yang menelpon 911 lebih dari 27.000 kali

    John triplette, 45 tahun seorang pengangguran, menyalahgunakan panggilan darurat 911 lebih dari 27.000 kali. Polisi mengatakan pria ini menghubungi operator kadang-kadang ratusan kali sehari, Ia juga sering membuat berbagai macam suara dan bunyi untuk menyamarkan suaranya.

Setelah dilacak, polisi mengetahui asal sinyal telpon selulernya. Pria tersebut akhirnya ditangkap, dan meminta maaf pada pihak kepolisian. Dia berkata ia melakukannya karena panggilan tersebut bebas pulsa alias gratis.

4. Wanita yang menelpon 911 karena McNugget di McD daerahnya habis

    Marah karena mcD di daerahnya kehabisan ayam nugget, seorang wanita asal florida menelpon 911 tiga kali untuk melaporkan restoran cepat saji tersebut “emergency” ujarnya.

Latreasa Goodman,27, menelpon polisi untuk mengeluh karena kasir tidak mau mengembalikan uangnya. Setelah polisi datang dan bertanya, latreasa berkata “Jika saya tahu mereka tidak punya nugget ayam, aku tidak akan memberikan uangku, dan sekarang mereka menawarkan mengganti mcnugget dengan mcdouble” . ia akhirnya ditahan karena menyalahgunakan panggilan darurat 911

5. Seorang istri yang memanggil 911 untuk membuat suaminya berhenti menonton film porno

    Seorang ibu rumah tangga asal jerman frustasi karena suminya tidak juga berhenti menonton film porno. Lalu ia menghubungi 911 dan mengatakan kepada operator bahwa ada keadaan darurat.

Setelah polisi tiba dilokasi, yang mereka temukan adalah wanita tersebut sedang mondar-mandir di depan apartemennya, sementara suaminya sedang asik menonton film blue. Setelah ditanya ada masalah apa, wanita tsb menjelaskan ia membutuhkan seseorang untuk menyadarkan suaminya.

6. seorang anak yang menghubungi 911 karena ia tidak bisa menyelesaikan soal matematikanya

    Johny memutuskan untuk menelpon 911 ketika ia memerlukan bantuan tentang PR matematikanya. Herannya, operator benar-benar membantunya.

7. Seorang wanita yang menghubungi 911 karena ia tidak mendapat udang lebih di nasi gorengnya

    Seorang wanita menelepon 911 untuk melaporkan dia tidak mendapatkan udang sebanyak yang dia inginkan dalam nasi goreng yang ia pesan di daerah Fort Worth-restoran.

Pelanggan yang marah menjelaskan kepada operator “kirim seorang polisi kemari”, “ada masalah apa?”, “mereka tidak menambahkan udang lebih di nasi gorengku”ujarnya

8. Pasangan yang menelpon 911 untuk membantu menyelesaikan masalah mereka

    Seorang wanita menelpon 911 lokal di cina, setelah pacarnya menolak untuk menghangatkan kakinya yang kedinginan. Deng Xiao,polisi dari Ningbo, berturut-turut menerima dua panggilan, satu dari wanita yang mengeluh pacarnya menolak untuk menghangatkan kakinya – yang lain dari laki-laki berkata pacarnya terlalu banyak menuntut.

Deng Xiao akhirnya datang, dan menemukan mereka masih terus bertengkar tentang persoalan tersebut. Dia akhirnya membujuk Pasangan muda tersbut untuk mengesampingkan perbedaan ego diantara mereka, akhirnya pasangan tersebut berterima kasih padanya karena telah datang dan membantu memecahkan masalah mereka

9. Pria yang menghubungi 911 karena ia tidak diperbolehkan masuk ke sebuah klub malam

    Seorang pria di Beaverton, Oregon menelepon 911 ketika sebuah klub malam menolak untuk membiarkannya masuk.

Karyawan di “The Caribe” kelab malam di Beaverton mengatakan mereka tidak membiarkan Edgar Dieguez-Lopez masuk karena dia terlalu mabuk. Dieguez-Lopez kemudian menelepon 911 dan mengeluh kepada operator 911 bahwa ia ditolak masuk. Operator menjelaskan bahwa klub memiliki hak untuk menolak melayani dan memintanya untuk menunggu di luar hingga polisi datang. Petugas datang ke klub dan menemukan kokain di dalam salah satu kaus kaki Dieguz. Dia akhirnya ditangkap karena membawa obat terlarang.

Sumber : Unic77

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