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Minggu, 24 April 2011

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We would like to thank you for being part of A.W.Surveys. With your help we are one of the fastest growing survey companies in the world. We are proud that our Web Site Evaluations are helping change how the web looks. We believe we have the best survey takers in the world, which is why we value and pay so much for your evaluations.
The $500 Monthly Bonus cash prize for March has ended. The winner for March is Razon44****! Congratulations!
 4/22/2011 -  Make sure to take the April Bonus survey, the month is almost over and new surveys are coming soon!
 4/15/2011 -  Please remember to log into your account at least every 45 days to make sure it stays active!
 4/07/2011 -  We now have over 45,000 Twitter followers and will continue to bring you the latest survey updates by Twitter and Socints!
 4/01/2011 -  The April Bonus Contest has started. Please remember you receive $1 for completing this survey and will also be entered into our $500 Monthly Contest.

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