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Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Bile Tract Tumors

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In addition to gallstones, cancer is the most common cause of blockage of the bile duct. Benign tumors in the bile ducts can also cause blockages.

Most cancers originate from the head of the pancreas, which is bypassed by the bile duct. Even more rarely, cancer of the bile duct comes from his own, namely:
- At a meeting between the bile duct and pancreatic duct,
- In the gallbladder,
- In the liver.

Even more rarely, bile duct is blocked by a cancer that originates in other parts of the body (metastatic cancer), or depressed by the lymph nodes are affected by lymphoma.

Symptoms of bile duct obstruction are:
- Jaundice (jaundice)
- Discomfort in the abdomen
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Itching.

Usually without a fever and chills. These symptoms will worsen gradually.

A diagnosis of cancer as the cause of the blockage, is established based on the results of ultrasound examination, CT scan or direct cholangiography. To confirm the diagnosis, can do a biopsy (taking a sample of tissue for examination under a microscope).

Treatment depends on the cause and circumstances.

Surgery is a direct way to:
- Determine the type of tumor
- Ascertain whether the tumor can be removed
- Ensure that the bile can still flow around the blockage.
Most cancers can not be removed entirely and do not respond well to radiation therapy (radiation).

Chemotherapy may relieve symptoms. Some patients with bile duct obstruction due to cancer, pain, itching and form pus due to bacterial infection. If surgery is not done, can cut the hose is inserted through the endoscope for bile and pus can flow around the cancer. This procedure not only reduces the bile or pus, but also helps relieve pain and itching.

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